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webpages written and/or currently maintained by Don Ross, aka CampRoss since 1997. |
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Public Safety Ring [ ]
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about Public Safety?
The Positive
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[ | ]Open to all websites which seek to educate, inspire,
inform, support or advise in a positive way.
Misc. WebRings Don's Shareware and Freeware Links Favorite Misc Links
Dr. Sivartha's
Interfaith Webring for
Peace in the Middle East[ ]
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[ ]Dr. Alesha Sivartha's The Book of Life
/Sivartha/index.html, Whispers with Sivartha on The Book of Life 2005 /Sivartha/DonsFwd.html: A Tale of Transmigration /Sivartha/01.004.html, Unista: Model of Society /Sivartha/01.005.html, Chapter One: March of Nations /Sivartha/01.007.html, Chart of Laws /Sivartha/01.011.html, Geologic Ages of the Earth /Sivartha/01.017.html, Phases of History /Sivartha/01.019.html, Phases of Civilization /Sivartha/01.022.html, Seven Great Civilizations /Sivartha/02.023.html, Chapter Two: Section of Vitality /Sivartha/02.027.html, The Structure of Man /Sivartha/02.031.html, Solar Plexus /Sivartha/02.035.html, Mento-Chart /Sivartha/02.037.html, Brain & Body locations based on Ferrier /Sivartha/02.039.html, The Brain /Sivartha/02.041.html, Chart of Living Types /Sivartha/03.044.html, Chapter Three: Chart of the Trinity /Sivartha/03.055.html, Chart of Torso /Sivartha/03.059.html, Plan of the Brain /Sivartha/03.061.html, Chart of the Face, after Redfield /Sivartha/03.063.html, Oral Expression: Face Muscles 1896 /Sivartha/03.069.html, Brain and Body Locations: Ferrier's Experiments 1876 /Sivartha/03.075.html, Detailed Anatomical Structure of the Hand /Sivartha/04.081.html, Chapter Four: Celestial Mechanics /Sivartha/04.087.html, Crosses from the Obelisks and Temples at Neliopolis, Egypt /Sivartha/04.093.html, Measure of Man: Twelve is the number of Construction in the Human Head and Body (1860, 1868) /Sivartha/04.095.html, Head Measurements /Sivartha/04.097.html, Measure of the Head (12 angles - 1868 mind map) /Sivartha/05.099.html, Chapter Five, Crown of Life /Sivartha/05.102.html, Forms of Atoms: Dynamic Hypothetic Chart: Spirit and Matter /Sivartha/05.108.html, Wave Chart /Sivartha/05.120.html, Poster? for the Book of Life (1909) /Sivartha/06.123.html, Woman and Man: Responses: Equality /Sivartha/06.126.html, Path of Light: Messianism: Family the Center of Social Life /Sivartha/06.131.html, Solar Chart: the Microcosm: Astrological Chart 1881 /Sivartha/06.133.html, Cross Section of the Brain (Back View) /Sivartha/06.135.html, Axis Chart (full body, 1860 design) Celestial and Terrestrial /Sivartha/06.137.html, Solar Chart of Man: 12 Houses and Polarities (1860-1881) Astrology /Sivartha/06.139.html, Polar Contrasts (1860) /Sivartha/06.143.html, The Brain at Work (Discoveries by Sivartha 1859, copyright in Solar Atlas 1908) /Sivartha/06.145.html, The Plan of the Brain (Nov 1872) Mental Action /Sivartha/06.147.html, The Brain (chart 13) /Sivartha/06.155.html, Chart of Gestures ~ Vocal and Muscular ~ Moral or Social Plane (1859-1884) /Sivartha/07.160.html, Chapter Seven intro: Phases of Life (1860, 1884) /Sivartha/07.165.html, Human Brain Evolution: European, Hottentot, and Chimpanzee /Sivartha/07.165.html, Phases of History (1872 mind map) /Sivartha/07.181.html, Civilism in 1881 (mind map) /Sivartha/07.183.html, Model of Society: Social Functions of the Faculties (1860 mind map) /Sivartha/07.185.html, Chart of Civilism in 1881 (mind map) /Sivartha/08.193.html, The Seven Orders of Society /Sivartha/08.194.html, Model of Society for Town, County, State & Nation (1910) /Sivartha/08.197.html, The Twelve Foundations of Society /Sivartha/08.215.html, The Farm Domain (1880) /Sivartha/08.217.html, Temple of Domesta (1860) /Sivartha/08.219.html, Plan of a School House (1908) /Sivartha/08.222.html, Center's Badge /Sivartha/08.223.html, Golden Portal of the Temple (1860) /Sivartha/09.224.html, The Seals of Truth /Sivartha/09.229.html, The Model City: 12 Tribes and Departments (1910) /Sivartha/09.239.html, Map of Maresta: Palestine Restored /Sivartha/09.243.html, The Throne: The Model City of Salema /Sivartha/09.247.html, The Cross of Life /Sivartha/09.249.html, Atonement /Sivartha/09.265.html, The Leaf Plan (1861) /Sivartha/09.267.html, The Structure of Man (anatomy) /Sivartha/09.269.html, Tree of Life (1861) /Sivartha/09.271.html, Alsona & Unista: Social Functions of the Faculties (1861 mind map) /Sivartha/09.281.html, The Prophecies in the Bible /Sivartha/09.287.html, Prophetic Order: Departments and Laws /Sivartha/10.289.html: Universal Synthesis: Vesona (1870-1884) /Sivartha/10.293.html, Classified Knowledge (Vesona language map) /Sivartha/11.304.html, Culture of Man /Sivartha/11.311.html, Pictorial Head: Work of the Faculties in Twelve Groups (1859 mind map) /Sivartha/11.317.html, Model of the School (1896 mind map) /Sivartha/11.321.html, Muscles and Brain (torso) /Sivartha/11.325.html, The Basis of Vesona: Universal Language /Sivartha/11.326-27.html, Universal Synthesis: Vesonal Stem-Words (language map) /Sivartha/11.328.html, The Duzenal Measures /Sivartha/11.329.html, Duzenal Scale of Numbers /Sivartha/12.330.html, The New Heavens and the New Earth /Sivartha/12.332.html, Phases of Civilization (1881 mind map) /Sivartha/12.353.html, Temple of Domesta: Central Bldg in the Villesta Parks (1860 architecture) /Sivartha/12.355.html, Temple Map: Israelite and Egyptian /Sivartha/12.361.html, Chart of Symphonies: Tones, Colors, Odors, Flavors (1860 mind map) /Sivartha/12.367.html, Chart of Transition for the Nations (1881 mind map) /Sivartha/12.369.html, Zone of Civilization (1896 mind map) /Sivartha/12.371.html, Map of Maresta: Palestine Restored /Sivartha/12.375.html, Historic Image of Daniel: Four Great Empires /Sivartha/12.378.html, The End of The Book of Life /gen/life1876/BookofLife1.html, The Book of Life; or The Human Constitution with its Cosmical Relations by Arthur Merton, MD of the Matunal University. Philadelphia: 1876 /gen/life1876/BookofLife3.html, The Plan of the 1876 The Book of Life /gen/life1876/BookofLife5.html, Chapter One intro: The Book of Life 1876 /gen/life1887/Sivartha1.html, The Book of Life, or The Nature and Destiny of Man by Sivartha. Chicago 1887: School of Culture & by Health and Home /gen/life1898/Life1.html, The Book of Life; or The Spiritual, Social and Physical Constitution of Man by Dr. Alesha Sivartha. London, New York and Jerusalem 1898 by the Culture Land /gen/life1898/Life3.html, The Book of Life 1898: Design and Chapter One intro /gen/hgrowth/Historic1.html, Dr. Alesha Sivartha's The Historic Growth of Man into the Coming Civilization. The Theosophic Co.: 1903 /gen/hgrowth/Historic4.html, Historic Growth of Man 1903: Chart of Gestures
The Ring of Americas [ ]
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[ | ]Open to websites in or about the Americas.
Any where, any language,Native American
/Gohonzon/CampRoss-ji-04.html: Native American Buddhist Somewhere in Florida Don's 1996 Dream Catcher Gallery: Dreams in a Grey Myst Dream Catchers Dream Catchers Dream Catchers Dream Catchers Dream Catchers /gen/home.htm: Don's American Family History
Circles of Life & Death [ ]
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[ | ]A ring of sites on the Great Web of Life & Death,
Living & Dying, this World & the Next. . ° . ° .
All Faiths and Perspectives are welcome!Normandi Ellis' Awakening Osiris: The Egyptian Book of the Dead
/books/Osiris_01.html: The Return: A man is known by his words and deeds. /books/Osiris_04.html: The Gods Speak: Let the great wheel turn. A man's fortunes rise and decline. /Osiris_05.html: Coming Forth by Day: For you I light a fire in the sky. My love dispels darkness. /books/Osiris_08.html: Triumph Over Darkness: Now I seize darkness by its arms and shake it. I am triumphant. /books/Osiris_29.html: Coming Forth and Passing Through: Where there is light, I enter absolute. Where there is dark, there is none of me. /books/Osiris_39.html: Before Changing: We create ourselves in the forms we imagine. Years pass. We are what we have spoken. /books/Osiris_45.html: Becoming the Child: In the womb before the world began, I was a child among other gods and children who were, or may be, or might have been. /books/Osiris_46.html: Becoming the Lotus: This is the joy, the slow awakening into fire as one by one the petals open, as the fingers that held tight the secret unfurl.
#European Links Ring [ ]
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[ | ]Do you have a website
about Europe?Geographic WebRings & Webpages Worldwide Directory of Lotus Sutra Schools affiliate affiliate Friends.html: Friend Finder for Grads & Dads Lotus Sutra Community Centers in Africa: Angola, Cameroon, Cote d'Ivoire, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Reunion, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Togo, Zambia, Zimbabwe Lotus Sutra Schools in Alabama, Alaska, Arizona & Arkansas Lotus Sutra Centers in the Americas: Antigua, Argentina, Barbuda, Barbados, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Columbia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatamala, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panamá, Paraguay, Perú, Puerto Rico, Trinidad, Tobago, USA, Uruguay & Venezuela /Ryuei/Buddhism-in-America.html: Buddhism in America Lotus Sutra Centers in the Asia: Bangladesh, China, India, Japan, Korea, Macao, Malaysia, Nepal, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand Asia.html: Asian Friend Finder: Dating Resources in Chinese, Hindi, Japanese, Korean & Tagalog Lotus Sutra Schools in California, Colorado & Connecticut Tales of a San Francisco Wine Tasting Queen
Gay Wine Country: Frick Wine Review by Matt the Wine Mo
Gay Wine Country: SF North Bay Retailers
Gay Wine Country: SF North Bay Restaurants
Gay Wine Country: SF North Bay Outdoor Activities
Gay Wine Country: SF North Bay Gay Friendly Religions
Gay Wine Country: SF North Bay Lodging and Bed & Breakfasts
Gay Wine Country: SF North Bay GLBT Health & Community Activism
Gay Wine Country: SF North Bay Gay Bars & Night Life
Gay Wine Country: Social Activities in the SF North Bay Lotus Sutra Schools in Delaware, Washington DC, Florida & Georgia Europe.html: European Friend Finder: Dating Resources in Spanish, French, German, Italian & Hebrew Lotus Sutra Centers in Europa: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canary Islands, Czech Republic, Denmark, England, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Scotland, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Yugoslavia Lotus Sutra Temples in Hawaii: Honmon Butsuryushu, Nichiren Shoshu, Nichiren Shu, Reiyukai, Rissho Kosei-kai, Soka Gakkai Lotus Sutra Schools in Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky & Louisiana /gen/rajah1.htm: Life & Reforms of Raja Ram Mohun Roy Bahadoor [1772-1833]: the Father of Modern India /Ryuei/God-is-Kanzeon.html: God is Kwan-yin: On Israel & Palestine Lotus Sutra Temples in Japan: Bussho Gonenkai, Daiei Kai, Daijokyo-shu, Fujufuse-shu, Hokke Shu, Honge Myoushu, Honmon Butsuryu Ko, Honmon Butsuryu Shu, Honmon Shoshu, Hosshikai, Hosshi Shu, Kempon Hokke Shu, Kofuku-no-Kagaku, Kokuchukai, Myochikai Kyodan, Myodokai Kyodan, Nichiren Shoshu, Nichiren Shu, Nipponzan Myohoji, Reiyukai, Rissho Kosei-kai, Shoshin-kai, Soka Gakkai, Tendai Lotus Sutra Schools in Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri & Montana Lotus Sutra Schools in Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina & North Dakota Lotus Sutra Schools in Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon & Pennsylvania Lotus Sutra Centers on the Pacific Rim: Australia, Guam, Indonesia, Micronesia, New Caledonia, New Zealand, the Phillipines, Taiwan Lotus Sutra Schools in Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee & Texas Lotus Sutra Schools in Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin & Wyoming /Vegas/Downtown_01.html: Downtown Las Vegas, NV: Fremont Street /Vegas/Excaliber_01.html: Excaliber Resort: Las Vegas Strip /Vegas/HooverDam_01.html: Daytrip to the Hoover Dam Rec Area /Vegas/Luxor_01.html: Luxor Pyramid Resort: Las Vegas Strip /Vegas/Luxor_02.html: Luxor Pyramid Resort: Las Vegas Strip /Vegas/Luxor_03.html: Luxor Pyramid Resort: Las Vegas Strip /Vegas/Luxor_04.html: Luxor Pyramid Resort: Las Vegas Strip /Vegas/Luxor_05.html: Luxor Pyramid Resort: Las Vegas Strip /Vegas/Luxor_06.html: Luxor Pyramid Resort: Las Vegas Strip /Vegas/Luxor_07.html: Luxor Pyramid Resort: Las Vegas Strip /Vegas/Luxor_08.html: Luxor Pyramid Resort: Las Vegas Strip /Vegas/Luxor_09.html: Luxor Pyramid Resort: Las Vegas Strip /Vegas/Luxor_10.html: Luxor Pyramid Resort: Las Vegas Strip /Vegas/Luxor_11.html: Luxor Pyramid Resort: Las Vegas Strip /Vegas/Luxor_12.html: Luxor Pyramid Resort: Las Vegas Strip /Vegas/Luxor_13.html: Luxor Pyramid Resort: Las Vegas Strip /Vegas/Luxor_14.html: Luxor Pyramid Resort: Las Vegas Strip /Vegas/Luxor_15.html: Luxor Pyramid Resort: Las Vegas Strip /Vegas/Luxor_16.html: Luxor Pyramid Resort: Las Vegas Strip /Vegas/Luxor_17.html: Luxor Pyramid Resort: Las Vegas Strip /Vegas/Luxor_18.html: Luxor Pyramid Resort: Las Vegas Strip /Vegas/MandalayBay_01.html: Mandalay Bay Resort: Las Vegas Strip /Vegas/MandalayBay_02.html: Mandalay Bay Resort: Las Vegas Strip /Vegas/MandalayBay_03.html: Mandalay Bay Resort: Las Vegas Strip /Vegas/MandalayBay_04.html: Mandalay Bay Resort: Las Vegas Strip /Vegas/MGM_01.html: MGM Grand Resort: Las Vegas Strip /Vegas/NYNY_01.html: New York New York Resort: Las Vegas Strip /Vegas/Paris_01.html: the Eiffel Tower at Paris Las Vegas /Vegas/Stratosphere_01.html: the Stratosphere as seen from the Eiffel Tower /Vegas/Venetian_01.html: a Las Vegas Wedding at the Venetion /gen/wolfjoke.htm: Don's Collection of Wolf Jokes
Eastern Philosophy Webring [ ]
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[ | ]Open to all websites on Eastern Philosophy:
from the Far East to the Middle East.Eastern Philosophy
Eastern Philosophy: WebRings
Asian Folklore [ ]
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[ | ]An interfaith webring for all Asian tales, legends,
parables and folk lore..... both modern and ancient!Eastern Philosophy: Chinese Religions: Confucianism and Taoism
/dharmajim/GreatLearning.html: Commentary on The Great Learning a Confucian Classic /Ryuei/RAR21.html: Confucius and the Origins of Confucianism /Ryuei/RAR22.html: Confucian Virtues and the Mandate of Heaven /Ryuei/RAR23.html: Buddhist Appropriation of Confucianism /Ryuei/RAR24.html: The Confucian/Shinto/Buddhist Mandate of Heaven /OptiWell/JobGiant12.2.04.html: Confucius Say "Do Come Dine Again" by Don /books/NirvanaSutra12.html: Tao-Sheng (c.360-434) on Buddha Nature /GohonzonShu/106.html: Tao-sheng on The Good Deed Entails No Retribution
Buddhist Womyn [ ]
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[ | ]Devoted to Herstorical and Mythological Womyn in Buddhism,
including webpages by or about Buddhist Women.Eastern Philosophy: Women in Buddhism: Mythological & Herstorical
/women.html: Women in Buddhism: Women's Herstory: Mythological and Historical /library/Hakuin.html: Zen Master Hakuin's Letter to an Old Nun of the Nichiren Sect: 1747 /Ryuei/God-is-Kanzeon.html: God is Kwan-yin: On Israel & Palestine: Oct 2000 /bodhisattva/JStone.html: Writings of Dr. Jacqueline Stone /Les-bi-gay.html: Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Trangendered Buddhist Resources /Ryuei/Mothers2000.html: Mother's Day Sermon: May 2000 /books/MiraculousTale-i-06.html: On Gaining an Immediate Reward for Faith in Bodhisattva Kannon /books/MiraculousTale-i-13.html: On a Woman Who Performed Work in an Extraordinary Way, Ate Sacred Herbs, and Flew up to Heaven Alive /books/MiraculousTale-i-35.html: On a Nun Who Painted a Buddha Image out of Gratitude for the Four Kinds of Blessings and Gained a Power to Show an Extraordinary Sign /books/MiraculousTale-ii-03.html: On the Death Penalty in This Life of an Evil Son Who Tried to Kill His Mother out of Love for His Wife /books/MiraculousTale-ii-13.html: On Lustful Love for the Image of Kichijo-tennyo Which Responded with an Extraordinary Sign /books/MiraculousTale-ii-14.html: On the Immediate Reward of the Destitute Princess' Devotion to the Image of Kichijo-tennyo /bodhisattva/Kishimojin.html: Kishimo-jin and other Child-Giving Forms of Avalokitesvara /ShuteiMandala/devas2.html: Who's Who on the Gohonzon: Kishimojin & Ten Female Rakshasas /books/MiraculousTale-ii-15.html: On the Reward of Copying the Hoke-kyo and Holding a Service for a Mother in Revealing the Cause of Her Rebirth as a Cow /books/MiraculousTale-ii-20.html: On the Mother Who Had a Bad Dream, with the Utmost Faith Had a Scripture Recited, and Saved Her Daughter by an Extraordinary Sign /Gohonzon/CampRoss-ji-09.html: Exploration for a New Mythos via Buddhist Iconography: Tribute to Feminism 2000 /Gohonzon/CampRoss-ji-14.html: A New Mythos via Buddhist Iconography: Ode to Feminism 2000 /ShuteiMandala/kami.html: Who's Who on the Gohonzon: Amaterasu Omikami Eastern Philosophy: Theravada Buddhism and the Pali Canon
/Theravada.html: Theravada Buddhism Around the World Dharmajim's Blog: Sebastopol & SF Bay Homepage for Dharmajim's Sutra Salon /library.html: Buddhist Sutta Library in the Coffeehouse /dharmajim/reading-cycle.html: 16 Year Cycle of Sutta Readings /dharmajim/2GoodFriendsDiscussLS-1.html: The Lotus Sutra and Middle Length Discourses /dharmajim/Susima.html: The Susima Sutta: Enlightenment by Understanding /dharmajim/Presence7.html: On the Anuruddha Sutta /Ryuei/sutra.html: Rev. Ryuei's Pali Canon Studies: Teachings of the Historical Buddha /Ryuei/Life-of-Buddha.html: The Life of the Buddha /Ryuei/BuddhasNature.html: The Nature of the Buddha /Ryuei/BuddhaDharma.html: What is Buddha Dharma? /Ryuei/4NobleTruths.html: The Deer Park Sermon: Four Noble Truths /Ryuei/Humans.html: The Human Condition /Ryuei/depen-orig.html: On Dependent Origination /Ryuei/FamilyValues.html: The Way of Life for Lay People /Ryuei/37req.html: Following the Path: 37 Requisites to Enlightenment /Ryuei/nirvana.html: Nirvana /Ryuei/formation_of_sangha.html: The Formation of the Sangha
Buddhist Sutra Libraries [ ]
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[ | ]Open to all Theravada, Mahayana and Vajrayana websites
specifically devoted to the Buddha's Suttas, Sutras, Sastras,
commentaries and liturgies.Eastern Philosophy: Mahayana Buddhism: Sutra Study
/library.html: extensive Buddhist Sutra Library /dharmajim/index.html: Homepage for Dharmajim's Sutra Salon /dharmajim/reading-cycle.html: 16 Year Cycle of Sutra Readings /dharmajim/sea-of-sound.html: On the Perfection of Wisdom in One Letter /dharmajim/PerfectChange.html: On the Perfection of Change /Ryuei/mahayana.html: Mahayana Sutra Commentaries by Rev. Ryuei /Ryuei/patience.html: The Perfection of Wisdom in 8,000 Lines /Ryuei/ohigan_05.html: Six Perfections according to the Unlocking the Mysteries Sutra /Ryuei/HeartSutra.html: Heart Sutra and Commentary /Ryuei/RAR6.html: The Triple Pure Land Sutras /Ryuei/RAR19.html: Sutra Classification System of the T'ien-t'ai School /Ryuei/RAR20.html: Competing Systems of Sutra Classification /Ryuei/HuaYen.html: Hua-Yen Cosmology /Ryuei/4Graces.html: Meditation on the Mind Ground Sutra /books/NirvanaSutra12.html: Mahaparinirvana Sutra Chapter 12 and Tao-Sheng on Buddha Nature /books/NirvanaSutra18.html: Mahaparinirvana Sutra: Chapter 18 on Illness
World Buddhism [ ]
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[ | ]Open to all websites about Buddhism.....
Any where, any language,Eastern Philosophy: Mahayana Buddhism: Trans-Sectarian What's New in the Coffeehouse? 2004-05 /Ryuei/ChristianFAQ.html: FAQs for Christians /Ryuei/How-to-read.html: How to Read /Ryuei/Overview.html: An Overview of Buddhism Buddhist Inmate Sangha Homepage /library/Nagarjuna1.html: Nagarjuna on Prisoner Reform: Buddhist Advice for Living and Liberation /bis/index.html: Buddhist Inmate Sangha: Pen Pal and Book Donation Project /bis/letter2003.html: Letter to Buddhist Schools /bodhisattva/inmates1.html: Resources for Buddhist Inmates Interfaith BIS Discussion Group /dharmajim/Dao-of-Reading.html: The Dao of Reading /dharmajim/udumbara.html: Udumbara: Interdependent Transformation /dharmajim/analysis.html: Analysis and Meaning: Pratityasmutpada /dharmajim/DharmaView.html: Dharma View: Interdependent Transformation /dharmajim/TranscendEssence.html: Transcending Essence and Abandoning Being /dharmajim/2renga.html: Two Renga with Jane: Poetry /dharmajim/WaterPsalms.html: Water Psalms: Poetry /dharmajim/seven.html: 7 Verses On The Path: 7 Verses On Ultimate Nature /dharmajim/ChantingSpirit.html: Chanting as a Meditation Practice /dharmajim/service.html: Dharmajim's Buddhist Service /Ryuei/action.html: Four Immeasurables: Putting Joy Into Action /Ryuei/metta1.html: Four Immeasurables: Loving Kindness /Ryuei/Compassion.html: Four Immeasurables: Compassion /Ryuei/Equanimity.html: Four Immeasurables: Equanimity /Ryuei/demythologizing.html: Demythologizing the Dharma: American Academy of Religions: 2004 /Ryuei/BodhiDay.html: Bodhi Day: Buddha's Awakening: 1997 /Ryuei/BodhiDay2.html: Bodhi Day: Buddha's Awakening: 1999 /Ryuei/Bodhi_03.html: Poem for Bodhi Day: 2003 /Ryuei/AllBuddhas.html: Teaching of All Buddhas /Ryuei/Clinging-to-Buddha.html: Clinging to the Buddha /Ryuei/Oz.html: The Wizard of Oz as a Buddhist Parable /Ryuei/SantaMaitreya.html: Santa is the Future Buddha /discuss.html: Discussions Around a Lotus Pond /Tibetan.html: Esoteric Buddhism: Shingon, Tibetan, etc /worship.html: Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and Mandalas /study.html: Misc Quasi-Buddhist Links /2001.html: What's New in the Coffeehouse? /2002.html: What's New in the Coffeehouse? /2003.html: What's New in the Coffeehouse?
Lotus Sutra Net
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[ Featured Site ]
[ | ]All branches, leaves and flowers of Buddhism are welcome
in this large interfaith WebRing.Eastern Philosophy: Mahayana Buddhism: Lotus Sutra Study Nichiren's Coffeehouse Homepage Lotus Sutra Library /GohonzonShu/002.html: Tao-sheng and Dr. Jacqueline Stone on the Title of the Lotus Sutra: Did they chant Daimoku in ancient China? /books/Candle.html: The Candle of the Latter Dharma: Saicho (767-822) Tendai School Founder /library/Hokke-ten-Hokke.html: Zen Master Dogen's Hokke-ten-Hokke The Flower of Dharma Turns the Flower of Dharma: 1241 /library/Hakuin.html: Zen Master Hakuin's Letter to an Old Nun of the Nichiren Sect: 1747 /library/DharaniKyo.html: Reiyukai's Darani Kyo Global Significance of the Lotus Sutra by David Chappell: Living Buddhism 1999 750 Years of Lotus Sutra Mandalas /Ryuei/lotus_sutra.html: Lotus Sutra Commentaries by Rev. Ryuei /Ryuei/Zen-LS-1.html: Zen and the Lotus Sutra (Ch.1-4) /Ryuei/Zen-LS-2.html: Zen and the Lotus Sutra (Ch.3-14) /Ryuei/Zen-LS-3.html: Zen and the Lotus Sutra (Ch.11-22) /Ryuei/Zen-LS-4.html: Zen and the Lotus Sutra (Ch.23-28) /Ryuei/Zen-LS-5.html: Q&A after Shodaigyo Meditation /Ryuei/Zen-LS-6.html: Verses for Opening the Sutra /Ryuei/Zen-LS-8.html: Zen Masters on the Lotus Sutra /Ryuei/Zen-LS-9.html: Lotus Sutra Recitation Passages /library/LS-7parables.html: The Seven Parables of the Lotus Sutra /Ryuei/LS-21.html: Building the Treasure Tower: LS 21 /bodhisattva/Kishimojin.html: Lotus Sutra: Dharani Chapter (25): Demon Mother Kishimojin /Ryuei/UniversalVirtueBodhisattva.html: Encouragement of Bodhisattva Universal Good: LS 28 /dharmajim/2GoodFriendsDiscussLS-1.html: Two Good Dharma Friends Discuss the Lotus Sutra and Middle Length Discourses /dharmajim/2GoodFriendsDiscussLS2.html: Two Good Dharma Friends Continue to Discuss Theravada Buddhism and the Lotus Sutra /dharmajim/2GoodFriendsDiscussLS3.html: Two Good Dharma Friends Discuss Vajrayana and the Lotus Sutra
/Tendai.html: T'ien-t'ai/Tendai Buddhism /books/Miraculous.html: Miraculous Tales of the Lotus Sutra /books/MiraculousTale-i-05.html: On Gaining an Immediate Reward for Faith in the Three Treasures /books/MiraculousTale-i-07.html: On Paying for and Freeing Turtles and Being Rewarded Immediately and Saved by Them /books/MiraculousTale-i-08.html: On a Deaf Man Whose Hearing was Restored Immediately Owing to his Faith in a Mahayana Scripture /books/MiraculousTale-i-11.html: On Gaining an Immediate Penalty for a Lifetime of Catching Fish in a Net /books/MiraculousTale-i-18.html: On Recollecting and Reciting the Hoke-kyo and Gaining an Immediate Reward to Show an Extraordinary Sign /books/MiraculousTale-i-19.html: On Ridiculing a Reciter of the Hoke-kyo and Getting a Twisted Mouth as an Immediate Penalty /books/MiraculousTale-i-22.html: On Showing an Extraordinary Sign at the Moment of Death Owing to Devotion to Buddhist Studies and Spreading the Teaching for the Benefit of All Beings /books/MiraculousTale-i-28.html: On Practicing the Formula of the Peacock King, and Thereby Gaining an Extraordinary Power to Become a Saint and Fly to Heaven in This Life /books/MiraculousTale-i-30.html: On Taking Others' Possessions Unrighteously, Causing Evil, and Gaining a Penalty Showing an Extraordinary Event /books/MiraculousTale-i-32.html: On Gaining an Immediate Reward for Faith in the Three Treasures, Reverence to Monks, and Having Scriptures Recited /books/MiraculousTale-i-34.html: On Taking Back Silk Robes Once Stolen Owing to the Petition to Bodhisattva Myoken /books/MiraculousTale-ii-06.html: On Copying the Hoke-kyo with Utmost Devotion and Witnessing an Extraordinary Event /books/MiraculousTale-ii-08.html: On the Immediate Reward of Salvaging the Lives of a Crab and a Frog and Setting Them Free /books/MiraculousTale-ii-11.html: On the Penalty of a Fatal Disease for Abusing a Monk and Committing a Lustful Deed /books/MiraculousTale-ii-15.html: On the Reward of Copying the Hoke-kyo and Holding a Service for a Mother in Revealing the Cause of Her Rebirth as a Cow /books/MiraculousTale-ii-18.html: On the Immediate Penalty of Being Given a Twisted Mouth and Death for Speaking Ill of the Monk, Devotee of the Hoke-kyo
Zen and the Arts [ ]
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[ | | ]Eastern Philosophy: Mahayana: Zen and Pure Land Buddhism
/library/ZenArt.html: Zen in the Art of Bookstores /Zen.html: Zen/Won/Ch'an Buddhism Around the World /PureLand.html: Pure Land Buddhism Around the World /Tendai.html: T'ien-t'ai/Tendai Buddhism Around the World /library/Hokke-ten-Hokke.html: Zen Master Dogen's Hokke-ten-Hokke The Flower of Dharma Turns the Flower of Dharma: 1241 /library/Hakuin.html: Zen Master Hakuin's Letter to an Old Nun of the Hokke Sect: 1747 /dharmajim/EmptinessSonnets.html: Dharmajim's Emptiness Sonnets /Ryuei/3shifts.html: Won Buddhist Journal: Theravada, Mahayana & the New Religions: Changing Perspectives in Regard to the Saha World: 1998 /Ryuei/4Graces.html: Won Buddhist Journal: Four Debts of Gratitude According to Sot'aesan & Nichiren: 1997 /Ryuei/RAR7.html: Pure Land Buddhism in India and China /Ryuei/RAR8.html: Pure Land Buddhism in Japan /Ryuei/RAR9.html: The Life and Teachings of Honen /Ryuei/RAR11.html: Key Points of Honen's Senchaku Shu /temples/HsiFang/NewYears2001a.html: Chinese New Year Celebration at Hsi Fang Temple: Year of the Snake: San Diego /temples/HsiFang/NewYears2001b.html: Chinese New Year: San Diego /temples/HsiFang/NewYears2001c.html: Chinese New Year: San Diego /temples/HsiFang/NewYears2001d.html: Chinese New Year: San Diego /temples/HsiFang/NewYears2001e.html: Chinese New Year: San Diego /temples/HsiFang/NewYears2001f.html: Chinese New Year: San Diego /temples/HsiFang/NewYears2001g.html: Chinese New Year: San Diego /temples/HsiFang/NewYears2001h.html: Chinese New Year: San Diego /temples/HsiFang/NewYears2001i.html: Chinese New Year: San Diego /temples/HsiFang/NewYears2001j.html: Chinese New Year: San Diego /Ryuei/Zen-LS-1.html: Rev. Ryuei at the Berkeley Zen Center: 1999 /Ryuei/Zen-LS-8.html: Zen Masters on the Lotus Sutra Eastern Philosophy: Mahayana: Nichiren Buddhism Homepage The Authenticated Writings of Nichiren /bodhisattva/JStone.html: Writings of Dr. Jacquie Stone Founder of Nichiren Buddhism in Japan: Nichiren Daishonin (1222-1282) Bio Links 750 Years of Nichiren Mandalas Interfaith Discussion: the Gohonzon of the Nichiren Schools /ShuteiMandala/index.html: Rev. Ryuei's Who's Who on the Gohonzon Homepage for Rev. Ryuei /Ryuei/nichirenlineage.html: Nichiren Buddhism's Lineage /Ryuei/NichirensBio.html: Life of Nichiren Shonin /Ryuei/SixDisciples_01.html: Nichiren's Senior Disciples: Nissho /Ryuei/SixDisciples_02.html: Nichiren's Senior Disciples: Nichiro /Ryuei/SixDisciples_03.html: Nichiren's Senior Disciples: Nikko /Ryuei/SixDisciples_04.html: Nichiren's Senior Disciples: Niko /Ryuei/SixDisciples_05.html: Nichiren's Senior Disciples: Nitcho /Ryuei/SixDisciples_06.html: Nichiren's Senior Disciples: Nichiji /Ryuei/HokkeShu_01.html: Mission to Kyoto /Ryuei/HokkeShu_02.html: The Kyoto Lineages /library/Myokakuji-1413.html: Nichijo's Myokakuji Regulations of 1413 /library/Myomanji-1451.html: Myomanji Regulations of Belief & Thought 1451 /library/KanshoAccord-1466.html: The Kansho Accord of 1466 between the Kyoto Lineages /Ryuei/HokkeShu_03.html: The Machishu Culture & the Hokke Ikki /Ryuei/HokkeShu_04.html: The Fuju Fuse Debate /library/FujuFuse-Nichio.html: Articles of the Various Lotus Sect Lineages Concerning the Refusal of Offerings From Those Who Slander the Dharma by Busshoin Nichio: early 1600s /Ryuei/HokkeShu_05.html: Modern Reformers /Ryuei/nichirenbudd_20th.html: Nichiren Buddhism in the 20th Century /Ryuei/worldwide_prop.html: Worldwide Propagation of Nichiren Buddhism /Ryuei/hongaku.html: True Teaching, Practice & Realization: Thoughts on Original Enlightenment: 2001 /Ryuei/How-to-be-Buddhist.html: How to be a Buddhist /Ryuei/3x3.html: The Three Refuges & the Threefold Training /Ryuei/3HiddenDharmas.html: Three Great Hidden Dharmas /ShuteiMandala/index.html: Ryuei's Who's Who on the Gohonzon /Gohonzon/EyeOpeningCeremony.html: On the Eye Opening Ceremony /Ryuei/Hua-tou.html: Odaimoku as Hua-t'ou /Ryuei/desire.html: Chanting & Desire /Ryuei/SoleEfficacy.html: The Sole Efficacy of Odaimoku /Ryuei/Shodaigyo.html: Shodaigyo Meditation Instructions /Ryuei/meditation_instructions.html: Meditation Instructions /Ryuei/Bringing-Buddhism- to- America.html: The Challenge of Bringing Nichiren Buddhism to America: American Academy of Religions 2003 /Ryuei/IzuExile.html: Nichiren's Izu Exile: Dharma Talk 2003 /library/NiikeGosho.html: Refuting Nichio in 1629 and the Niike Gosho /Ryuei/RAR.html: Nichiren's Rissho Ankoku Ron: Commentary by Rev. Ryuei
/Ryuei/RAR1.html: The World's Suffering: Causes and Solutions
/Ryuei/RAR2.html: Origin of the Sutras and the Role of their Predictions
/Ryuei/RAR3.html: Transmission of Buddhism to East Asia and the West
/Ryuei/RAR4.html: Prophecies of the Latter Age of the Dharma
/Ryuei/RAR5.html: Subversive Nature of Nichiren's Prophetic Stance
/Ryuei/RAR6.html: Review of Pure Land Buddhism Part 1: The Triple Pure Land Sutras
/Ryuei/RAR7.html: Review of Pure Land Buddhism Part 2: Pure Land Buddhism in India and China
/Ryuei/RAR8.html: Review of Pure Land Buddhism Part 3: Pure Land Buddhism in Japan
/Ryuei/RAR9.html: Review of Pure Land Buddhism Part 4: The Life and Teachings of Honen
/Ryuei/RAR10.html: Review of Pure Land Buddhism Part 5: The Pure Land School after Honen
/Ryuei/RAR11.html: Key Points of the Senchaku Shu Part 1: Rejecting the Gateway of the Holy Path
/Ryuei/RAR12.html: Key Points of the Senchaku Shu Part 2: Casting Aside the Miscellaneous Practices
/Ryuei/RAR13.html: Key Points of the Senchaku Shu Part 3: Closing the Gateway of the Mahayana Sutras
/Ryuei/RAR14.html: Key Points of the Senchaku Shu Part 4: The Band of Robbers in the Parable of the White Path
/Ryuei/RAR15.html: Key Points of the Senchaku Shu Part 5: Lay Aside, Abandon, and Set Aside All but the Nembutsu
/Ryuei/RAR16.html: Nichiren's Critique of the Senchaku Shu Part 1: Honen's Slanderous Recommendations
/Ryuei/RAR17.html: Nichiren's Critique of the Senchaku Shu Part 2: Effects of Honen's Teachings on Buddhism in Kamakuran Japan
/Ryuei/RAR18.html: The Buddha's Criteria for Evaluating Teachings
/Ryuei/RAR19.html: Sutra Classification System of the T'ien-t'ai School
/Ryuei/RAR20.html: Competing Systems of Sutra Classification
/Ryuei/RAR21.html: The Confucian Nichiren Part 1: Confucius and the Origins of Confucianism
/Ryuei/RAR22.html: The Confucian Nichiren Part 2: Confucian Virtues and the Mandate of Heaven
/Ryuei/RAR23.html: The Confucian Nichiren Part 3: Buddhist Appropriation of Confucianism
/Ryuei/RAR24.html: The Confucian Nichiren Part 4: Shinto/Buddhist Mandate of Heaven
/Ryuei/RAR25.html: Empowerment and Responsibility of the Buddha's Disciple
/Ryuei/RAR26.html: Should One Refrain from Arguing the Dharma?
/Ryuei/RAR27.html: The Question of Nationalism Part 1: Should the Dharma Serve the State?
/Ryuei/RAR28.html: The Question of Nationalism Part 2: Should the State Serve the Dharma?
/Ryuei/RAR29.html: Should Slanderers Be Executed?
/Ryuei/RAR30.html: Have the Gods Abandoned Japan?
/Ryuei/RAR31.html: Evaluating Shingon
/Ryuei/RAR32.html: Predictions of Foreign Invasion and Civil War
/Ryuei/RAR33.html: Choosing Hell or the Pure Land
/Ryuei/RAR34.html: Conversion and Altruistic Determination
/Ryuei/RAR35.html: Glossary
/Ryuei/RAR36.html: Sources Ryuei's Blog
The Tendai~Hokke~Nichiren Web Nichiren Shonin (1222-1282)
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Open to all sites that
honour the Lotus Sutra:
Tendai, Nichiren & more!Eastern Religion: 13th Century Japanese Lotus Sutra Mandalas by Nichiren: Rissho Ankoku Kai's Gohonzon Shu: plus Misc Articles
/GohonzonShu/001.html: Simple Mandala w/ the Rev. Senchu Murano on the Gohonzon: Manuel of Nichiren Buddhism /GohonzonShu/002.html: Simple Mandala (restored): Tao-sheng and Jacqueline Stone on the Title of the Lotus Sutra: Did they chant Daimoku in ancient China? /GohonzonShu/003A.html: Simple Mandala (restored): Jacquie Stone on Chanting the August Title of the Lotus Sutra /GohonzonShu/003B.html: Simple Mandala (restored): Jacquie Stone on Daimoku outside of a Nichiren Context: Shuzenji-ketsu Contraversy /GohonzonShu/003C.html: Simple Mandala: Rev. Ryuei on Nam or Namu? Does it really matter? /GohonzonShu/004.html: Simple Mandala (restored): Rev. Senchu Murano on the Spell Kings of Esoteric Buddhism (Fudo & Aizen) /GohonzonShu/005.html: Simple Mandala (restored): Post Modern Sutra for Opening the Eyes of Wooden and Painted Images /GohonzonShu/006.html: Simple Mandala /GohonzonShu/007.html: Simple Mandala (restored) /GohonzonShu/008.html: (restored) Ichinen Sanzen Mandala 1272: Lucia Dolce on Mahavairocana in Nichiren's Honzon /GohonzonShu/009.html: Early Mandala w/ 4 Bodhisattvas /GohonzonShu/010.html: Early Mandala drawn w/ twig on beach before setting sail for Sado /GohonzonShu/011.html: Early Ten World Mandala /GohonzonShu/012.html: Simple Mandala /GohonzonShu/013.html: Early Ten World Mandala /GohonzonShu/014.html: Early Mandala w/ 4 Bodhisattvas /GohonzonShu/015.html: Early Mandala w/ 4 Bodhisattvas /GohonzonShu/016.html: Eddy Chai on Honmon Shoshu, Fujisan Honmonji, Man-nen-ku-go Dai-honzon, Hon-in-myo DaiHonzon: 12 Oct 1279 /GohonzonShu/017.html: Early Mandala w/ 4 Bodhisattvas (restored) /GohonzonShu/018.html: Early Ten World Mandala /GohonzonShu/019.html: Early Mandala w/ 4 Bodhisattvas (restored) /GohonzonShu/020.html: Early Mandala w/ 4 Bodhisattvas /GohonzonShu/021.html: Early Ten World Mandala /GohonzonShu/022.html: Early Ten World Mandala /GohonzonShu/023.html: Early Ten World Mandala /GohonzonShu/024.html: Early Ten World Mandala /GohonzonShu/025.html: Simple Mandala /GohonzonShu/026.html: Ten World Mandala (restored): Dr. Jacquie Stone on the Object of Worship /GohonzonShu/027.html: Ten World Mandala (restored): Dr. Jacquie Stone on the Object of Worship /GohonzonShu/028.html: Early Mandala: Dr. Jacquie Stone on the Object of Worship /GohonzonShu/029.html: Early Mandala: Dr. Jacquie Stone on the Object of Worship /GohonzonShu/030.html: Ten World Mandala (restored): Dr. Jacquie Stone on the Object of Worship /GohonzonShu/031.html: Early Ten World Mandala: Dr. Jacquie Stone on the Object of Worship /GohonzonShu/032A.html: Ten World Mandala (restored): Dr. Jacquie Stone on the Object of Worship /GohonzonShu/032B.html: Ten World Mandala (restored): Dr. Jacquie Stone on the Object of Worship /GohonzonShu/033.html: Early Ten World Mandala: Dr. Jacquie Stone on the Object of Worship /GohonzonShu/034.html: Ten World Mandala (restored) /GohonzonShu/035.html: Ten World Mandala (restored) /GohonzonShu/036.html: Ten World Mandala /GohonzonShu/037.html: (restored) 1277 Prayer Gohonzon for Nissho: owned by Nichiren Shu, but used by the Independent Movement: w/ map of characters /GohonzonShu/038.html: Early Mandala w/ 4 Bodhisattvas /GohonzonShu/039.html: Early Mandala w/ 4 Bodhisattvas /GohonzonShu/040.html: Early Mandala w/ 4 Bodhisattvas /GohonzonShu/041.html: Ten World Mandala /GohonzonShu/042.html: Ten World Mandala (restored) /GohonzonShu/043.html: Early Mandala ravaged by time /GohonzonShu/044.html: Ten World Mandala /GohonzonShu/045.html: Ten World Mandala /GohonzonShu/046.html: Ten World Mandala badly water stained /GohonzonShu/047.html: Early Mandala /GohonzonShu/048.html: Ten World Mandala /GohonzonShu/049.html: Early Mandala w/ 4 Bodhisattvas /GohonzonShu/050.html: Ten World Mandala /GohonzonShu/051.html: Ten World Mandala /GohonzonShu/052.html: Ten World Mandala /GohonzonShu/053.html: Ten World Mandala: elaborate /GohonzonShu/054.html: Ten World Mandala /GohonzonShu/055.html: Ten World Mandala /GohonzonShu/056.html: Ten World Mandala /GohonzonShu/057.html: Ten World Mandala /GohonzonShu/058.html: Ten World Mandala: very stained /GohonzonShu/059.html: Ten World Mandala /GohonzonShu/060.html: Ten World Mandala /GohonzonShu/061.html: Ten World Mandala /GohonzonShu/062.html: Ten World Mandala /GohonzonShu/063.html: Ten World Mandala /GohonzonShu/064.html: Ten World Mandala /GohonzonShu/065.html: Ten World Mandala: elaborate! /GohonzonShu/066.html: Early Mandala /GohonzonShu/067.html: Ten World Mandala: very stained /GohonzonShu/068A.html: Ten World Mandala /GohonzonShu/068B.html: Ten World Mandala /GohonzonShu/069.html: Ten World Mandala /GohonzonShu/070.html: Full Mandala minus 4 Kings /GohonzonShu/071.html: Ten World Mandala /GohonzonShu/072.html: Full Mandala minus 4 Kings /GohonzonShu/073.html: Ten World Mandala /GohonzonShu/074.html: Full Mandala minus 4 Kings /GohonzonShu/075.html: Early Mandala ravaged by time /GohonzonShu/076.html: Full Mandala minus 4 Kings /GohonzonShu/077.html: Ten World Mandala /GohonzonShu/078.html: Full Mandala minus 4 Kings /GohonzonShu/079.html: Full Mandala minus 4 Kings /GohonzonShu/080.html: Full Mandala minus 4 Kings /GohonzonShu/081.html: Nichiren Shu's Shutei (official) Mandala: Rev. Senchu Murano on the Gohonzon /GohonzonShu/082.html: Ten World Mandala: Rev. Ryuei on the Gohonzon /GohonzonShu/083.html: Ten World Mandala /GohonzonShu/084.html: Ten World Mandala /GohonzonShu/085.html: Ten World Mandala /GohonzonShu/086.html: Ten World Mandala /GohonzonShu/087.html: Ten World Mandala /GohonzonShu/088.html: Ten World Mandala /GohonzonShu/089.html: Ten World Mandala /GohonzonShu/090.html: Early Mandala /GohonzonShu/091.html: Full Mandala minus 4 Kings /GohonzonShu/092.html: Ten World Mandala /GohonzonShu/093.html: Ten World Mandala /GohonzonShu/094.html: Full Mandala minus 4 Kings /GohonzonShu/095.html: Full Mandala minus 4 Kings /GohonzonShu/096.html: Full Mandala minus 4 Kings /GohonzonShu/097.html: Ten World Mandala /GohonzonShu/098.html: Ten World Mandala /GohonzonShu/099.html: Ten World Mandala: Dr. Jacquie Stone on Secret Transmissions in the Hokkeshu /GohonzonShu/100.html: Ten World Mandala: Dr. Jacquie Stone on Secret Transmissions in the Hokkeshu /GohonzonShu/101.html: Ten World Mandala: Dr. Jacquie Stone on Secret Transmissions in the Hokkeshu /GohonzonShu/102.html: Ten World Mandala: Dr. Jacquie Stone on Secret Transmissions in the Hokkeshu /GohonzonShu/103.html: Ten World Mandala: Dr. Jacquie Stone on Secret Transmissions in the Hokkeshu /GohonzonShu/104.html: Ten World Mandala: Dr. Jacquie Stone on Secret Transmissions in the Hokkeshu /GohonzonShu/105.html: Ten World Mandala: Dragon Mountain Temple: Oakland, CA /GohonzonShu/106.html: Full Mandala minus 4 Kings: Tao-sheng on The Good Deed Entails No Retribution /GohonzonShu/107.html: Ten World Mandala: Dr. Jacquie Stone on Secret Transmissions in the Hokkeshu /GohonzonShu/108.html: Ten World Mandala /GohonzonShu/109.html: Full Mandala minus 4 Kings /GohonzonShu/110.html: Ten World Mandala /GohonzonShu/111.html: Full Mandala minus 4 Kings: interesting incense stains from hanging in temple /GohonzonShu/112.html: Simple Mandala w/ 4 Bodhisattvas /GohonzonShu/113.html: Simple Mandala w/ 4 Bodhisattvas /GohonzonShu/114.html: Simple Mandala w/ 4 Bodhisattvas /GohonzonShu/115.html: Simple Mandala w/ 4 Bodhisattvas /GohonzonShu/116.html: Simple Mandala w/ 4 Bodhisattvas /GohonzonShu/117.html: Ten World Mandala /GohonzonShu/118.html: Ten World Mandala /GohonzonShu/119.html: Ten World Mandala /GohonzonShu/120.html: Ten World Mandala /GohonzonShu/121.html: Full Mandala minus 4 Kings /GohonzonShu/122.html: Ten World Mandala /GohonzonShu/123.html: Ten World Mandala /GohonzonShu/124.html: Nichiren Visited by Aizen Myo-o: 25 June 1254 /GohonzonShu/125.html: Nichiren Visited by Fudo Myo-o: 25 June 1254 Eastern Religion: Nichiren Sects: Nichiren Shu: Mt Minobu, Myokakuji and Friends Homepage for the Rev. Ryuei Michael McCormick: SF Bay Area Nichiren Shu Around the World /ShuteiMandala/index.html: Rev. Ryuei's Who's Who on the Shutei Gohonzon? /ShuteiMandala/2buddhas.html: Who's Who on the Gohonzon: Shakyamuni Butsu & Taho Nyorai /ShuteiMandala/4bodhisattvas.html: Who's Who on the Gohonzon: Muhengyo, Jogyo, Jyogyo, Anryugyo /ShuteiMandala/4kings.html: Who's Who on the Gohonzon: Jikoku, Bishamon, Komoko, Zocho /ShuteiMandala/bodhisattvas.html: Who's Who on the Gohonzon: Yakuo, Monjushiri, Fugen, Miroku /ShuteiMandala/devas.html: Who's Who on the Gohonzon: Brahma, Mara, Indra, the Sun, the Moon, and Aruna, the Sun's charioteer /ShuteiMandala/devas2.html: Who's Who on the Gohonzon: Wheel Turning King, King Ajatashatru, Asura King, Dragon King, Kishimojin, Ten Female Rakshasas, Devadatta /ShuteiMandala/kami.html: Who's Who on the Gohonzon: Amaterasu Omikami, Hachiman Daibosatsu /ShuteiMandala/lineage.html: Who's Who on the Gohonzon: Shakyamuni > Nagarjuna > T'ien-t'ai > Miao-lo > Dengyo > Nichiren /ShuteiMandala/myo-o.html: Who's Who on the Gohonzon: Fudo & Aizen /ShuteiMandala/shravaka.html: Who's Who on the Gohonzon: Shariputra & Mahakashyapa /ShuteiMandala/vedic.html: Who's Who on the Gohonzon: Vedic Cosmology /GohonzonShu/081.html: Nichiren Shu's Shutei (Authorized) Mandala in the Gshu /GohonzonShu/NichirensLast.html: Last Gohonzon inscribed by Nichiren: owned by Nichiren Shu: used also by Independents /Gohonzon/EyeOpeningCeremony.html: On the Eye Opening Ceremony /bodhisattva/Shichimen.html: Ancient Legends of the Dragon Goddess Shichimen of Kuonji /bodhisattva/IntheWoods.html: In the Woods: a Modern Children's Tale by the Rev. Shinkyo Will Warner: Lexington, KY Homepage for Dharmajim's Sutra Salon /Ryuei/index.html: Homepage: Essays on Theravada & Mahayana Buddhism /Ryuei/Does-it-work.html: Does Buddhism Work? Dharma Talk: 2000 /books/RefugeCeremony.html: Threefold Refuge Ceremony /Ryuei/pilgrimage.html: Pilgrimage to Mt. Minobu: Jan 1997 /Ryuei/Tokudo97.html: Tokudo Ceremony at Myokaku-ji: Oct 1997 /Ryuei/priesthood.html: Thoughts on the Priesthood: Oct 1997 /Ryuei/Docho.html: Docho Ceremony at Seicho-ji: Summer 1998 /Ryuei/Shami98.html: Reflections on Being a Shami: Oct 1998 /Ryuei/Letter-to-Nichiren.html: My Letter to Nichiren: 1999 /Ryuei/clergy.html: The Role of the Clergy: Dec 1999 /Ryuei/NSnews_1.html: I Wish to Help Others to Live Buddhism: Nichiren Shu News: Dec 2000 /Ryuei/GoingForth.html: Going Forth: Mar 2001 /Ryuei/Ordination2001a.html: Three Americans Ordained at Kuon-ji: Nichiren Shu News: May 2001 /Ryuei/Ordination2001b.html: Nichiren Shu News /Ryuei/Ordination2001c.html: Nichiren Shu News /Ryuei/ShingyoDojo.html: Shingyo Dojo: May 2001 /Ryuei/Uposatha.html: Reflections on Sunday Service & Uposatha: Dharma Talk: 2000 /Ryuei/Urabon2003.html: Urabon Sermon on Praying for our Ancestors /Ryuei/ohigan_03.html: Ohigan Sermon: Spring Equinox 2003 /Ryuei/ohigan_04.html: Ohigan Sermon: Autumnal Equinox 2004 /Ryuei/ohigan_05.html: Ohigan Sermon: Spring Equinox 2005 /Ryuei/hanamatsuri.html: Hanamatsuri Sermon: Buddha's Birthday 2005 /temples/April8_BuddhasBday.html: Senchu Murano's Buddha's Birthday Ceremony /temples/NShuLA_01.html: Los Angeles Nichiren Shu Temple: 2000 /temples/NShuLA_05.html: Life of Nichiren Cartoons /temples/NShuLA_07.html: Los Angeles Nichiren Shu Temple: Nichiren /temples/NShuLA_09.html: LG Scroll with Nichiren's Death Scene /temples/NShuLA_11.html: Los Angeles Nichiren Shu Temple: 2000 /temples/NShuLA_15.html: Los Angeles Nichiren Shu Temple: 2000 /temples/NShuLA_16.html: Los Angeles Nichiren Shu Temple: 2000 /temples/Myokakuji/SF2002.html: Dharma Circle in San Francisco: 2002 /temples/Myokakuji/SJ2002.html: Don's First Visit to Myokakuji: Dharmajim receives Shutei Mandala: 2002 Eastern Religion: Nichiren Sects: "Independent Movement" Sangha for Independents /Independent.html: The Independent Movement Spreads Around the World /Gohonzon/HowTo.html: How To Acquire a Gohonzon Outside of Sectarian Buddhism /Gohonzon/PGtranslation.html: Maltz's Explanation of Nichiren's 1277 Prayer Gohonzon for Nissho /Gohonzon/SGIonUnauthorizedReproductions.html: Official SGI Policy Concerning the Prayer Gohonzon: 2001 /Kaikan.html: Ever-chanting Prayer Gohonzon Room This Mandala is Good Medicine for All People who have Diseases /GohonzonShu/037.html: 1277 Prayer Gohonzon for Nissho: owned by Nichiren Shu, but used by the Independent Movement: w/ map of characters /GohonzonShu/NichirensLast.html: 1282 Last Gohonzon inscribed by Nichiren: owned by Nichiren Shu: used also by Independents Mother of the Independent Movement: In Search of Truth: 1990s /library/SGIresignation.html: Don's Notice of Independence: 11/29/99 /temples/CampRoss-ji-ha.html: History of Nichiren's Coffeehouse: CampRoss-ji-ha Hokke-shu: 2000 /CampRoss.html: CampRoss-ji: Don's Pilgrimages and Home Altars /Gohonzon/CampRoss-ji-01.html: Don's Exploration for a New Mythos via Buddhist Iconography: Buddha under Gohonzon 2000 /Gohonzon/CampRoss-ji-03.html: Temple Gohonzon in book Sacred Calligraphy of the East /Gohonzon/CampRoss-ji-04.html: Native American Buddhist Somewhere in Florida: 2000 /Gohonzon/CampRoss-ji-05.html: Exploration for a New Mythos: Buddha & Tara 2000 /Gohonzon/CampRoss-ji-07.html: Exploration for a New Mythos: Buddha, Tara & Kwan-yin 2000 /Gohonzon/CampRoss-ji-08.html: Chikusan's Treasure from a WA Antique Store /Gohonzon/CampRoss-ji-10.html: Bruce & Stephanie Maltz: Japan 2000: replica of a Nichiren Gohonzon at Nakayama in the Toki Jonin Collection /Gohonzon/CampRoss-ji-11.html: Don's Exploration for a New Mythos via Buddhist Iconography: Buddha, Tara & Kwan-yin 2000 /Gohonzon/CampRoss-ji-12.html: Ensenada, Mexico: Palm Tree Mandalas 2000 /Gohonzon/CampRoss-ji-15.html: Don's Shrine for Buddha's Birthday: 2001 /Gohonzon/CampRoss-ji-16.html: Don's 3D Gohonzon in Feb 2001 /Gohonzon/CampRoss-ji-17.html: A Pan-Buddhist Mythos: Two Buddhas w/ Tara & Kwan-yin 2000 /Gohonzon/CampRoss-ji-18.html: Magic Maxi's Home Shrine /Gohonzon/CampRoss-ji-20.html: Anryugyo-ji: Prayer Gohonzon in Wisconsin /Gohonzon/CampRoss-ji-21.html: Exploring a New Mythos: 2000 /Gohonzon/CampRoss-ji-22.html: Small Wooden & Acrylic Prayer Gohonzons: 2000 /Gohonzon/CampRoss-ji-23.html: Small Wooden Prayer Gohonzons: 2000 /Gohonzon/CampRoss-ji-24.html: Don's Buddhist Altar: Dec 2000 /Gohonzon/CampRoss-ji-25.html: Don's Home Office w/ Chenrezig Mandala: Dec 2000 /Gohonzon/CampRoss-ji-26.html: Sacred Calligraphy: a restored (white-on-black) Nichiren-style Gohonzon available from Ernesto /Gohonzon/CampRoss-ji-27.html: Don's LG New Buddha from Thailand and his 3D Hokke Honzon: May 2001 /Gohonzon/CampRoss-ji-28.html: Betty Buck's Family Altar when She left the Gakkai: May 2001 /Gohonzon/CampRoss-ji-29.html: Don's Shrine to the Eternal Buddha: June 2001 /Gohonzon/CampRoss-ji-30.html: Don's Shrine to the Eternal Buddha: Oct 2001 /bodhisattva/frodo.html: Frodo Crosses the Sea of Suffering: Lord of the Gohonzon /library/12step.html: Don's 12 Step Program for Nichiren Buddhists Eastern Religion: Nichiren Sects: "New Religions" Reiyukai is the Mother of Japanese New Religions based on the Lotus Sutra and is devoted to Ancestor Appreciation Reiyukai America's Online Discussion Group /OptiWell/index.html: Weekly CPR and First Aid Classes at Reiyukai San Diego! /OptiWell/RYKancestor.html: Don't Let 'em Be an Ancestor! Reiyukai America News 2004 Rissho Kosei-kai is devoted to Lotus Sutra study and is the eldest dau of RYK Soka Gakkai International may well be the single largest Buddhist org in the world; the excommunicated child of Taisekiji; devoted to Ikeda and the DaiGohonzon /warning.html: Warning: Conflict in the Fuji Schools Eastern Religion: Nichiren Sects: Nikko Lineage: Fuji Schools
/Gohonzon/DaiGohonzon.html: The DaiGohonzon of Taisekiji: 12 Oct 1279 Honmon Shoshu: Fujisan Honmonji: Man-nen-ku-go Dai-honzon: Hon-in-myo DaiHonzon: 12 Oct 1279 /library/NichirenBuddha.html: Nichiren as True Buddha? /library/2transf-docs.html: Taisekiji's Two Transfer Docs /Ryuei/HokkeShu_06.html: Ryuei on the Fuji Lineage Nichiren Shoshu Around the World SGI Around the World /Ryuei/SokaGakkai-01.html: Rise of the Soka Gakkai: Tsunesaburo Makiguchi (1871-1944) /Ryuei/SokaGakkai-02.html: Rise of the Soka Gakkai: Josei Toda (1900-1958) /Ryuei/SokaGakkai-03.html: Rise of the Soka Gakkai: Daisaku Ikeda (1928- ) /Gohonzon/CampRoss-ji-19.html: SGI changes to current Gohonzon from Nichikan Shonin 26th HP Taisekiji 1720 A Plane Crashed: a Personal Experience by John Goddard /conflict.html: Warning: Conflict in the Fuji Schools NSA and HIV: 1985-1995 /IRG/history.html: History of the SGI-USA Independent Reassessment Group: 1997-2001 /IRG/documents.html: IRG Docs for the Reformation of SGI-USA 1997-2001 /IRG/petition.html: IRG's Original Petition to SGI-USA: Jan 1998 /IRG/mission.html: IRG Mission Statement and Letter of Intent to Fred Zaitsu: Sept 1998 /IRG/democrat.html: IRG Democratization Proposal for SGI-USA: Nov 1998 /IRG/zaitsu.html: Letter from General Director Fred Zaitsu to IRG: Jan 1999 /IRG/dallas.html: The Dallas Incident: Apr 1999 /IRG/cec.html: Official Response from CEC: Apr 1999 /library/SGIresignation.html: Don's Letter of Resignation: Nov 1999 /IRG/IRG-TIpaper.html: IRG Position Paper on the Temple Issue: Jan 2000 /IRG/faqs.html: FAQs for the Independent Reassessment Group: 2000 /temples/CampRoss-ji-ha.html: History of Nichiren's Coffeehouse: 2000 /Gohonzon/SGIonUnauthorizedReproductions.html: Official SGI Policy Concerning Internet Gohonzons: 2001 /IRG/memo4-30-01.html: Official SGI Position toward the IRG and IRG's Response /IRG/members.html: Current IRG Central Members Discussion Group for FORMER Nichiren Shoshu and SGI Members Buddhist Satire and "Temple Issue" Humor /temples/Myorenji.html: Myoren-ji Temple Booklet: Fujinomiya, Japan: Home of Nanjo Tokimitsu, near Taisekiji /temples/Myorenji_01.html: Myoren-ji Temple Booklet in Japanese /temples/Myorenji_04.html: Myoren-ji Booklet Photos /temples/Myorenji_08.html: Myoren-ji Booklet Photos /temples/Myorenji_10.html: Myoren-ji Booklet Photos /temples/Myorenji_16.html: Myoren-ji Booklet Photos /temples/Myorenji_19.html: Myoren-ji Booklet Photos /temples/Myorenji_23.html: Myoren-ji Booklet Photos /temples/Myorenji_26.html: Myoren-ji Booklet Photos /temples/Myorenji_31.html: Myoren-ji Booklet Photos /temples/Myorenji-by-Wes.html: Myoren-ji Temple Photos by Wes Goetzel /temples/Tozan1.html: Taiseki-ji Photos by Wes and Don: 1989 /temples/Tozan2.html: Taiseki-ji Photos by Wes Goetzel: Pagodas Eastern Religion: Misc Nichiren Schools Homepage: Surf by Sect Reiyukai Around the World Rissho Kosei-kai Around the World Honmon Butsuryu Schools Around the World Fuju Fuse and Kempon Hokke Links Nipponzan Myohoji Peace Pagodas Around the World More Buddhist Stupas: Tendai, Nichiren, Nipponzan, etc the Oldest URL for Nichiren's Coffeehouse Please UPDATE your links! an Olde Homepage for Nichiren's Coffeehouse Please UPDATE your links! an Olde URL for Nichiren's Coffeehouse Please UPDATE your links!
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Jane Barmore's 1890 Barmore Family History: Abbeville County, South Carolina: First Generation: George Barmore, Sr. /gen/barmore2.htm: Revolutionary War Service: James Barmore: Land Plats: Abbeville, SC: 2nd Generation /gen/barmore3.htm: The Children of James and Mary Barmore: 3rd Generation /gen/barmore4.htm: Descendants of Squire William Barmore: Service in the Confederacy: 4th & 5th Generation /gen/barmore7.htm: Descendants of George Barmore, Jr: 4th Generation Goes West: 1830: SC to AL /gen/barmore8.htm: World War II in Africa /gen/barmore9.htm: Barmore Obituaries: Mrs. Oma E. (Barmore) Parker [1965] and Milford Nolan Barmore [1978] /gen/barmor10.htm: Teddy Roosevelt Visits Tom Barmore's Bear Camp /gen/bryan.htm: 200 Years of Bryan Family History /gen/bryan1.htm: Samuel Bailey and Sarah Bryan: The Daniel Boone Connection: NC to KY /gen/colonial.htm: Head of Family Listing: Before the War for American Independence /gen/heads.htm: Forefathers After the American Revolution /gen/docs.htm: Index of Historical Genealogical Documents on this Website /gen/dowdy.htm: 200 Years of Dowdy Family History /gen/dowdy1.htm: Family Bible of William Dowdy and Margaret Myers /gen/rajah1.htm: Life & Reforms of Raja Ram Mohun Roy Bahadoor [1772-1833]: the Father of Modern India /gen/ross1.htm: Obituary for William George Ross: Iola, Kansas 1986 /gen/ross2.htm: Obituary for James Albert Ross: Iola, Kansas 1990 /gen/thayer1.htm: History of the Thayer and Worden Families by Rufus Rypha Worden to His Son Edward O. Worden: 17 May 1905 /gen/wolfjoke.htm: Don's Collection of Wolf Jokes /gen/wolf.htm: 300 Years of Wolfe Family History /gen/wolf1.htm: Wolf Family Cemetery Records: Haydenville, Hocking County, Ohio: Burial Place for the descendents of Chistopher and Rhoda Dorr Wolfe since 1845: USGenWeb Tombstone Transcription Project /gen/wolf2.htm: Record of Pennsylvania Marriages Prior to 1810: Krebs, Wolf, Wolfe, Woolf, Wolff /gen/wolf3.htm: In the Beginning... The Family of Andrew Wolfe by Jody Cullison 1998: Colonial America /gen/wolf4.htm: The Children of Andrew Wolfe /gen/worden.htm: 1000 Years of Don's Worden Family History /gen/onw/ONWorden.html: Oliver Newton Worden's 1868: Worden Family Record: "Ancestors, Kin, and Descendants of John and Elizabeth Worden, of Washington County, Rhode Island, Covering 300 Years and 12 Generations in America" /gen/onw/ONWorden5.html: ONW's 1868 Preface /gen/onw/ONWorden7.html: The Origin of ONW's Work /gen/onw/ONWorden10.html: ONW's Reflections /gen/onw/ONWorden13.html: How ONW's Book Was Made /gen/onw/ONWorden17.html: The Name of Worden: European Derivations /gen/onw/ONWorden21.html: Worden Heraldry /gen/worden01.htm: The Werden Family in England: 16th Century /gen/worden02.htm: Werden>Worden>Warden: Our American Family /gen/onw/ONWorden22.html: Authors Named Worden /gen/onw/ONWorden23.html: Miscellaneous Worden/Warden Matters /gen/onw/ONWorden157.html: ONW's Corrections and Additions /gen/onw/ONWorden162.html: More Corrections and Additions /gen/onw/ONWorden19.html: First Wordens in America /gen/worden03.htm: Peter Worden I arrived in New Plymouth Colony /gen/worden04.htm: Peter Worden I of Yarmouth, Massachusetts [1569-1638]: Last Will & Testament /gen/worden05.htm: Peter Werden II of Yarmouth, MA [1609-1680] /gen/worden06.htm: Peter Worden II: Last Will & Testament /gen/worden07.htm: Peter Worden II: Addendum to His Last Will /gen/worden08.htm: Peter Worden II: Inventory of Estate /gen/worden09.htm: Mary Winslow-Worden of Yarmouth, MA [1610-1687]: Last Will & Testament /gen/worden10.htm: Mary Winslow-Worden's Inventory of Estate /gen/worden11.htm: Worden-Winslow Cemetary: East Dennis, Cape Cod, MA since 1696 /gen/onw/ONWorden139.html: Wordens of Boston: since 17th Century /gen/worden12.htm: Peter Worden III [1668-1732] moved to Rhode Island: early 1700s /gen/worden13.htm: Peter Worden IV of Westerly, RI [1697-1745]: Inventory of Estate /gen/worden14.htm: Baptist Ministry in New England: Elder Peter Worden V [1728-1808] /gen/onw/ONWorden19.html: Soldiers of the American Revolution: Civil War Soldiers to July 1, 1864 /gen/onw/ONWorden25.html: History of Washington Co., RI: Land of Our Fathers /gen/onw/ONWorden29.html:Census of June 1, 1774: Washington Co., RI /gen/onw/ONWorden141.html: Family of Samuel and James Worden: 1700s to 1800s /gen/onw/ONWorden145b.html: Another Samuel Worden Family: Blacksmith /gen/onw/ONWorden145a.html: Wordens in Wyoming Region /gen/onw/ONWorden146.html: John Worden the Centennarian1 /gen/onw/ONWorden151.html: A Labyrinth of Wordens: Wordens in South Kingstown, Westerly and Charlestown: Wordens in Richmond and Hopkinton: Wordens in Stonington and Groton /gen/onw/ONWorden154.html: A Labyrinth of Wordens: Wordens in North Stonington, Greenwich, etc: Wordens in West Chester and Dutchess: Worden on the Hudson--Marriages--Wardens /gen/worden25.htm: The Family of Isaac Werden in Quebec, Canada since 1764: from Pioneers of Prince Edward County 1904 /gen/worden15.htm: Rufus Worden of Brutus, New York /gen/worden16.htm: Rufus Worden of Brutus, NY [died 1812]: Inventory of Estate /gen/worden17.htm: The War of 1812: On Rypha Worden [1795-1849] by His Son /gen/worden18.htm: History of the Worden and Thayer Families by Rufus Rypha Worden to His Son Edward O. Worden: 17 May 1905 /gen/worden19.htm: Wordens From Coast to Coast: the Descendents of R.R. Worden: by Zaida Worden-Ross /gen/onw/ONWorden150.html: Lorenzo J. Worden: NY to KS: Elected to Kansas Free State Legislature in 1857 /gen/worden20.htm: Life on the Kansas Prairie: Dr. Sivartha's Retirement Home: My Family by Zaida Worden-Ross /gen/onw/ONWorden21.html: Wordens on the Sea /gen/onw/ONWorden29.html: Agricultural Statistics: Washington Co., RI: 1865 /gen/onw/ONWorden143.html: Wording Family in Maine /gen/onw/ONWorden149.html: Another Peter Worden, Preacher /gen/worden21.htm: Obituary for Edward Oliver Worden: From The Bronson Pilot, Bronson, Bourbon County, Kansas /gen/worden22.htm: Obituary for Bertie Oliver Worden: The Iola Register, Iola, Allen County, Kansas /gen/worden23.htm: Obituary for John Wesley Worden: WW II Vet: The Iola Register, Iola, KS /gen/worden24.htm: Obituary for Edward Clyde Worden: WW II Vet: Ed "Lefty" Worden: Star Baseball Pitcher /gen/don.htm: Don and Genealogy