We are an independent interfaith Sangha dedicated to providing spiritual support for Buddhists behind bars. We currently donate Buddhist books, magazines, videos and audio cassettes to prisons and inmates around the country upon request. Your donations of new or used books and literature on Buddhism and Eastern Philosophy are what make this possible! Thank you to ALL who have in the past or will in the future mail study materials to an inmate; or if you prefer, you can mail them to ChanterKyo/Betty for distribution:
Buddhist Inmate Sangha
Betty Lu Buck
PO Box 6517
Brookings, OR 97415 USA
Please visit our Homepage! This webpage will continue to be for BIS Links and Resources, however the homepage and inmate/pen-pal listings have moved elsewhere. If you would like to know what more you can do for these Bodhisattva-Inmates, please join our discussion group!