Sivartha's Plan
| Don's Plan for Sivartha's Drawings
FIRST CHAPTER -- Historic Evolution -- First Races of Men -- The Seven Civilizations
1.0 Don's Forward: A Tale of Transmigration
1.4 Model of Society (mind map)
1.5 The March of Nations
1.7 Wheel of the Law (1884 mind map)
1.11 Geology (1872)
1.17 Phases of History (1872 mind map)
1.19 Seven Civilizations (1881 mind map)
1.22 Seven Forms (1872 mind map)
SECOND CHAPTER -- Physical Life of Man -- Functions of the Body -- Types of Life
2.23 Section of Vitality (cell-body)
2.27 The Structure of Man (nervous system)
2.31 Solar Plexus (anatomy)
2.35 Mento-Chart (1860 mind map)
2.37 Brain and Body (1884 mind map)
2.39 The Brain (1859 mind map)
2.41 Chart of Living Types (1881)
THIRD CHAPTER -- The Trinity in Man -- Sacred Numbers -- Location of Faculties
3.44 Chart of the Trinity (mind map)
3.55 Chart of Torso (faculties in body)
3.59 Plan of the Brain (mental action - 1860 mind map)
3.61 A Chart of the Face (after Redfield)
3.63 Oral Expression Muscles (face muscles)
3.69 Brain and Body (Ferrier's experiments 1876 - mind map 1884)
3.75 Structure of the Hand
FOURTH CHAPTER -- Celestial Mechanics -- Geometry of the Brain -- Law of the Ellipse -- Laws of Beauty
4.81 Celestial Mechanics (brain map)
4.87 Crosses (1859 mind map)
4.93 Twelve is the number of Construction in the Human Head and Body (1860, 1868)
4.95 Head Measurements (2)
4.97 Measure of the Head (12 angles - 1868 mind map)
FIFTH CHAPTER -- Crown of Life -- Waves of the Forces -- Spirit and Matter -- Spiritual Spheres and Influences
5.99 Crown of Life
5.102 Forms of Atoms
5.108 Wave Chart
5.120 Poster? for the Book of Life (1909)
Alesha Sivartha was a medical doctor, artist, lecturer and a deeply spiritual man. His writings and drawings speak clearly of his conviction in the oneness of Body and Mind, in the oneness of our Physical and Spiritual Constitutions.
The twelve chapters in The Book of Life correspond with Sivartha's twelve aspects of a well rounded human being. Almost all of his theories and mind maps boil down to the number Twelve (12). If his mind maps make your brain spin, refer back to this Table of Contents for clarification on his twelve fundamental themes. It was Dr. Sivartha's hope that all people of all ages would integrate one hour of our daily activities with the learning and practice of each of these twelve subjects.
The Book of Life is at once Scientific and Biblical: Evolutionist, Creationist, Messianic, and Spiritualist. All woven together to create a fascinating mixture of ancient and modern points of view. His father was a Hindu, his mother a Unitarian, and Sivartha believed that Science could finally answer the Deepest Mysteries to prove Religion. The Book of Life is Dr. Alesha Sivartha's record of such Discoveries from 1859 to 1878. Some might call it Biblical Humanism with a Judaic twist; others call it Theosophy.
Whispers With Sivartha is the dream child of Don Ross, one of Sivartha's rare non-Christian descendents, his great-great-grandson, a California Buddhist with Spiritualist tendencies.
Sivartha's Plan
| Don's Plan for Sivartha's Drawings
SIXTH CHAPTER -- Law of Responses -- Polarity of Faculties -- Spheres of Contrast -- Laws of Gesture
6.123 Woman and Man (responses)
6.126 Path of Light: Messianism (mind map)
6.131 Solar Chart: the Microcosm (1881)
6.133 Cross Section of Brain: Chart of Zones
6.135 Axis Chart (1860 - full body)
6.137 Solar Chart of Man: 12 Houses & Polarities (1860-1881)
6.139 Polar Contrasts (1860)
6.143 The Brain at Work (1859, 1908)
6.145 The Plan of the Brain (1872)
6.147 The Brain (1859)
6.155 Chart of Gestures ~ Vocal & Muscular (1859-1884)
SEVENTH CHAPTER -- Phases of Life -- Personal and National Life -- Evolution of Society
7.160 Phases of Life (1860, 1884)
7.165 Brain Evolution
7.171 Historia (mind map 1860, 1872)
7.181 Civilism in 1881 (mind map)
7.183 Model of Society ~ Social Functions of the Faculties (1860 mind map)
7.185 Chart of Civilism in 1881 (mind map)
EIGHTH CHAPTER -- Social Life of Man -- Structure and Plan of Society -- Basic Laws and Constitution
8.193 The Seven Orders of Society
8.194 Model of Society for Town, County, State & Nation (1910)
8.197 The Twelve Foundations of Society
8.215 The Farm Domain (1880)
8.217 Temple of Domesta (1860)
8.219 Plan of a School House (1908)
8.222 Center's Badge
8.223 Golden Portal of the Temple (1860)
NINTH CHAPTER -- Seven Seals of Truth -- Doctrines of Religion -- New Jerusalem -- Tree of Life -- The Messiah and Israel
9.224 The Seals of Truth
9.229 The Model City ~ The 12 Tribes and Depts (1910)
9.239 Map of Maresta: Palestine Restored
9.243 The Throne: The Model City of Salema
9.247 The Cross of Life
9.249 Atonement
9.265 The Leaf Plan (1861)
9.267 The Structure of Man (anatomy)
9.269 Tree of Life (1861)
9.271 Alsona & Unista ~ Social Functions of the Faculties (1861 mind map)
9.281 The Prophecies in the Bible
9.287 Prophetic Order ~ Departments and Laws
TENTH CHAPTER -- Universal Synthesis -- Laws of the Universe -- Logic and Science -- Universal Language
10.289 Universal Synthesis (1870-1884)
10.293 Classified Knowledge (language map)
ELEVENTH CHAPTER -- Integral Education -- Methods of Culture -- The School, College and University
11.304 Culture of Man
11.311 Pictorial Head ~ the Work of the Faculties in Twelve Groups (1859 mind map)
11.317 Model of the School (1896 mind map)
11.321 Muscles and Brain (torso)
11.325 The Basis of Vesona: Universal Language
11.326-27 Universal Synthesis: Vesonal Stem-Words (language map)
11.328 The Duzenal Measures: Vesona
11.329 Duzenal Scale of Numbers: Vesona
TWELVTH CHAPTER -- The New Earth -- The New Covenant -- Marriage, the Home and the Temple -- Costume - Symphonies of Sense and Soul -- Destiny of Nations
12.330 The New Heavens & the New Earth
12.332 Phases of Civilization (1881 mind map)
12.353 Temple of Domesta ~ Central Bldg in the Villesta Parks (1860 architecture)
12.355 Temple ~ Israelite & Egyptian (map)
12.361 Chart of Symphonies ~ Tones, Colors, Odors, Flavors... (1860 mind map)
12.367 Chart of Transition for the Nations (1881 mind map)
12.369 Zone of Civilization (1896 mind map)
12.371 Map of Maresta ~ Palestine Restored
12.375 Historic Image of Daniel ~ Four Great Empires
12.378 The End
Bloggers Whisper about Dr. Sivartha on Lateralization of Brain Function. The Strange Brain Maps of Dr Sivartha is a popular blog devoted to weird books and seems to be the most often quoted blog about Sivartha's Brain Maps (that he discovered here). Mapas del Cerebro Ursi's Esoteric Garden on The Book of Life. El blog de Philippe en Dr Sivartha's artwork. 27 Albanian Words For Mustache, language musings illustrated with drawings by Sivartha. Brain Maps blog post inspired by BiblioOdessy. The World as We Know It: The Works of Dr. Alesha Sivartha. Illustrated with drawings from this site. en Sivartha y Su Libro de Mapas Mentales blog en Blographos Sivartha y su libro de mapas mentales, includes Sivartha's mental map redrawn in Spanish. Artificial Languages incluing Sivartha's Vesona. Twilight Zone, Babies from Hell, Black Holes und Douglas Adams auf BBC For Lovers of Visual Junk: Alesha Sivartha: Visionary Typographer Abecedarian: The Right Word talks about Vesona. Art blogger enjoys Sivartha's phrenological drawings. Poetic Pete the SinkRowScientist rambles about this webpage: "another dip n flip hippy delivers lip and slip...." The BibliOdyssey RPG Design Challenge inspired by BiblioOdyssey and brain map #3.069, this oft quoted blog says Sivartha shows the transitional link between 19th century phrenology and 20th century neuroscience. art blogger inspired by Alesha Sivartha and Leonardo DiVinci. social bookmarking abt this site. NeuroPhilosophy and Sivartha's brain maps, a blog post inspired by BiblioOddessy and Neurophilosophy at Is the brain even smarter than we can ever imagine? An original blog post gently rants about Sivartha's brain maps: Human physiology, like human spirituality, is not only a map, but a journey.... praises BiblioOdessey's blog about Dr Sivartha's Brain Maps.
Dr. Alesha Sivartha's artwork is in the public domain
and may be used without permission provided you
give proper attribution to Dr. Sivartha
and add a link to this website.
Dedicated to Dr. Alesha Sivartha's Grand-Daughter who ignited my imagination with stories of the Rajah and Sivartha and my love for family history in general in 1975 my Grandma Zaida Marie Worden Ross (1904-1994) and her son, my father Russell Lee Ross (1939-2003).
 | Dr. Sivartha's Interfaith Webring for Peace in the Middle East [ ] [ ] [ | ] [ | ] [ ]
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Don's great-great-grandfather, Arthur Merton, MD, a.k.a., Dr. Alesha Sivartha, was the son of the Rajah Ram Mohun Roy.
Thanks to cousin Alan Ross of Texas, Don has had excerpts of earlier editions of The Book of Life online since 1999.
Sivartha d'Mashicha Judeo-Christian WebRing | [ ] [ ] [ ] [ | ] [ | ] [ ] [ | ] | |
The Book of Life;
or The Human Constitution with its Cosmical Relations
by Arthur Merton, MD of the Matunal University. Philadelphia: 1876
The Plan of the 1876 The Book of Life
Chapter One intro: The Book of Life 1876
The Book of Life,
or The Nature and Destiny of Man by Sivartha. Chicago 1887:
School of Culture & by Health and Home
The Book of Life; or
The Spiritual, Social and Physical Constitution of Man
by Dr. Alesha Sivartha. London, New York and Jerusalem 1898 by the Culture Land
The Book of Life 1898:
Design and Chapter One intro
Dr. Alesha Sivartha's The Historic Growth of Man
into the Coming Civilization. The Theosophic Co.: 1903
Historic Growth of Man 1903:
Chart of Gestures