Estate Inventory of Rufus Worden
20 May 1812
One note of hand for grain against Japitha Lewis $30.00
One note against Elisha Kambal $10.38
One cow $15.00
One yoke of small stags $35.00
One yoke of yearling steers $18.00
One cow $16.00
One two year old heifer $12.00
One ox yoke $1.00
Fifteen sheep at 1.50 each $22.50
One yearling colt $20.00
Four small stone swine at 2.25 each $9.00
One sow $3.00
Four fat hogs $7.50
Ten geese at 31 cents each $3.25
Two tun of hay $10.00
One stack of oats $2.50
One stack of rye $28.12-1/2
One crib of damaged corn $6.00
Two ox chains $3.50
Old seythe $.50
Two old hoes $1.00
Eight harrow teeth $4.80
Old iron $1.25
Fourteen bushels of wheat $14.00
Thirty-five bushels of corn at 37-1/2 cents $13.12-1/2
One and one half flax seed $1.50
Twenty bushels potatoes at 25 cents $5.00
One bed and beding $19.00
One bed and beding $11.00
One bed and beding $10.00
One bed and beding $5.00
One old great coat $.50
One tight bodied coat $2.00
One old jacket $.50
One old jacket $.25
One do do $.25
One pair wollen trowsers $2.50
One do and velvet do $1.50
Two do and linen do $.25
Two linen shirts, old $.25
Two pair stockings $.37-1/2
One pair old mittens $.12-1/2
One old Bible $.25
Ten yards tow cloth at 37-1/2 cents a yard $3.75
Two old chests at fifty cents each $1.00
One reel $1.00
One tow wheel $2.00
Six old broken chair frames $1.00
Three old meal bags $.50
Two sad irons $.75
One old five pail kettle $.50
One small kettle $.50
One iron pot $1.00
One small do $1.00
One broken bake kettle $.50
One old tea kettle $.50
One grid iron $.50
one tin lantern $.37-1/2
One old pewter tea pot $.25
Two pounds old pewter $.25
One tea canester $.25
One two quart glass bottle $.19
One small tim pail $.12-1/2
One powdering tub $.75
One lod tin pan $.12
One iron crane $1.50
Thirty-two pounds and 1/2 tallow $4.03
Sixty pounds of flax $7.50
Two hundred-twenty eight white wood siding $1.25
Two new barrels $2.00
One linen wheel $2.00
SOURCE: Obtained at Worden Hall in East Dennis, Cape Cod, Mass.
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