[Lotus Sutra: Chapter 23]
If parents have seven children and one of them
falls ill, the love of the parents is equal for all the
children but they are especially attentive to the one who
is sick.
[Nirvana Sutra: Chapter 18]
There are three kinds of people whose illnesses are very
hard to cure:
One who speaks ill of Mahayana teachings,
One who commits the five cardinal sins,
One who is an icchantika.
These three kinds of serious illnesses are difficult to
cure in this world.
Second Year of Kenji, April [1277]
[Conferment] Nissho, Sramana of the great sun country of
This sutra is truly a splendid medicine for the
diseases of the people of Jambudvipa. A sick person who
hears this will be immediately cured of his disease. He
will not grow old or die before his time.
[Lotus Sutra: Chapter 16]
If a child who has lost his original mind, upon seeing
his father return from afar, greatly rejoices and yet
when the father gives him the medicine to heal his
illness, he is unwilling to swallow it. Thereupon the
father says, "This good excellent medicine I now
leave here. You should take and swallow it. Do not worry
that you will not be cured."
This is the great unprecendented Mandala, never yet been
in the whole of Jambudvipa for the more than 2220 years
after the Buddha's extinction.