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Pure Land Buddhism

Jodo Shu
Amida Net USA Shin
Fo Guang Shan Taiwan
Dharmajim's Sutra Salon
Collected Works of Shinran
Jodo Shu Research Institute
Hongaku Jodo Association NM
The Person & the Law Nichiren
Boston Shinshu Sangha St.Clair
Pure Land Sutras
An Overview of Buddhism Ryuei
New Water & Moon Hall Memphis
On Attaining Buddhahood Nichiren
Mugenko Shin Buddhism Australia
Path of the Compassionate Lotus WA
Letter to Endo Saemon-no-jo Nichiren Singapore
Singapore Hongan Mission Jodo Shinshu
The Teaching for the Latter Day Nichiren
Hell is the Land of Tranquil Light Nichiren
The Essence of the Yakuo Chapter Nichiren
Pure Land Buddhism WWW Virtual Library
Theravada, Mahayana & the New Religions Ryuei
Ancient Japanese Tale on the Western Pure Land

Kannon Pilgrimage Scroll: Namu Amida Butsu!

Click here to learn more about the many Buddhas
Kannon 33 Pilgrimage scroll (above)
Central inscription: Namu Amida Butsu!
Surrounded by the calligraphy and temple stamps
from 33 temples in western Japan (Kansai) devoted
to S/he Who Hears the Sounds of the World,
the central figure of chapter 25 in the Lotus Sutra.
This treasure was bought by Don Ross on eBay.

Ch'an temple (below)
Fo Guan Shan, Hsi Fang Temple, San Diego
Click photo for more info
Hsi Fang Temple in San Diego: click here for Don's Photo Gallery
Zen and the Arts
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