August 2004
After acquiring a headstock spindle dead center & tailstock center,
I checked the alignment of the head & tailstocks. Lo and
behold, the tailstock center's point was 3/64" below the
headstock's. Yipe! I was pretty worried for a while, for
the reasons you might expect.
But, it turns out this situation is not infrequently found on lathes of
a certain vintage. In my case, there were two problems;
- The leading edge of the tailstock base pad was heavily worn where it
contacts the ways. The flat is smooth, but is worn such that the
tailstock shaft angles downward. The v way seems in similar
condition. Presumably this is due to chips working themselves
under the tailstock pad and scraping back & forth, which is also
presumably why some tailstocks have wipers- mine doesn't,
unfortunately. This problem is addressed by shimming the leading
edge of the tailstock between the tailstock base pad and upper
unit. Mine needed .020 worth to get the center points right on.
- Near the headstock, the bed ways are somewhat beat up, nicks, gouges,
etc.. Nothing deep, but the marks are quite apparent in the
photos. The symptom was the tailstock would bind as it slid from
the right end of the bed towards the headstock, about 5" short of the
headstock. At first I thought this was due to wear on the
tailstock ways- thankfully they are nice and flat as shown by
micrometer. The cause was the gouges and marks making the surface
uneven. Just a short bit of work with a stone and steel wool
improved the binding situation quite a bit.
As I was fooling about with the tailstock, I decided to have a look at
the carriage ways. The simple test of adjusting the carriage lock
close with the carriage at the headstock, then feeding the carriage
down the ways till it binds showed Gizmo had some bed wear, but I had
never measured it. So, I measured the thickness of the ways with
a micrometer at the extreme right end of the bed, then at several
points down the bed towards the headstock. The bed at the
headstock is .005 thinner than at the right end, and it looks as if it
tapers pretty evenly, but both carriage ways seem to have about the
same wear. Not perfect, but not bad- certainly more than good
enough for a newbie like me.
Update 2/5/2005
My buyer did a thorough check-out of the lathe before committing, which
included turning a 10" test bar. By adjusting the tailstock
offset, without doing any bed levelling or tweaking of the tailstock
center height, we were able to reduce the taper down to approx .005
over 10".
# eof